Sunday, July 24, 2011

Montreal at the Vieux Port

Arrival in Montreal

Chez Michelle et Pierre a Lachine

Nadine et Steven nous rendent visite

Steven, Mike et Lise

Jerry and Jenny from Charleston SC

Basillique Notre Dame
View of Mtl Old Port from boat
Finally back on line! Spent 8 days in Quebec City marina without internet!! Very disappointing as I haven't updated since Montreal. So much to add. Had a great time in Quebec City visiting friends and family. Despite the extremely hot and humid weather we still had a great time. Had a tragic moment when the Ipad was injured. But Apple staff made it all so much better. Way to go Apple!! Heading for Richelieu river tomorrow if weather is good. Then on to Lake Champlain and then back to Lake Ontario. In another week, we'll be half way through our trip. Time flies when you're having fun!

Now to backtrack a bit. We had a great time in Montreal. The marina was terrific. Pierre & Michelle spoiled us for 2 days. Drove us around for a great city tour, had dinner the first night at a lovely restaurant they frequent. The next day they picked us up and drove us to their condo in Lachine giving a great tour on the way there. On Sunday, Steve & Nadine came for a nice visit. It was great to have time to chat with them as we usually only see them at family gatherings when we don't have enough time to talk. Met a great couple from Charleston South Carolina, Jerry & Jenny, who had us over for wine & cheese and we filled them in on beautiful places to see on Georgian Bay.

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