Thursday, July 28, 2011

Update from Trois-Rivieres

Thought I'd keep you posted on latest developments. We left the marina Trois-Rivieres early this morning but heard strange sounds coming from port engine. So we returned to the marina. Turns out we have transmission problems and the whole transmission will need to be replaced. Insurance company has been contacted and a mechanic has confirmed the problem. An adjustor will probably be coming by as well. The boat will need to be pulled out. Could be a couple of weeks. If that's the case, we'll go home and come back when it's ready. We'll know more in a while.
The problem stems for hitting a deadhead log on June 23 on the Rideau. Probably hurt a gear in the transmission and now it broke. Mike did hear something strange when we arrived in Trois-Rivieres.

Update: Andree & Dave have kindly offered us to stay in Quebec for the duration of repairs and we accepted. Boat is coming out tomorrow morning. The current guesstimate is august 8 to go back in water. So no Lake Champlain this year. We'll be in Thousand Island as scheduled. C'est la vie on the sea!!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Marina Trois-Rivieres Day 3

some of the thunder clouds we experienced
Decided to stay another day as weather is calling for more thunderstorms. And, boy, did we get some. We were out for a walk this morning when the lightning and thunder happened all at once. Scary!  Made it home without incident. It's 7pm and the skies look like they're ready for another round. This will be # 4 or 5. They're short but not as furious as they look on the onset. Tomorrow's looking good so we should leave around 8am for the first  lock on the Richelieu river. Stay tuned!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Trois-Rivieres July 25 2011

Marina Trois-Rivieres
We're spending a 2nd day  at this great marina. Must tell you it's beside a pulp and paper mill with sulphur smell that remind me of my young years in Shawinigan where the smell was something you got used to very quickly. So many memories of this area!

Went for a bicycle ride today. Bicycles supplied free of charge by the marina. The marina is on Ile St-Quentin which is a beautiful park in Three Rivers. We rode all over town as they have many bike trails. Had lunch in a great resto (as they call them in Quebec), picked up a few groceries and rode back. Stormy weather seemed to pass us by. May get some rain overnight. Tomorrow we're heading for the Richelieu river on our way to Lake Champlain. Don't know when we'll have wi-fi again so I'll update whenever I can. Plan to be in Lake Ontario by mid-August.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Portneuf July 22 to 24, 2011

floating docks for tides up to 15 feet

marina and restaurant

mermaid guiding boaters into marina
Had a wonderful stay at Marina Portneuf. Arrived with crew of Louis-David (our nephew) and his wonderful girlfriend Jessica. Met at the dock by my brother Dave and his wife Andree. Had a fabulous lunch at the marina restaurant, the Littoral. Next morning had brunch there with egg benedict that they call "benediction of Florent" for Eggs Benedict Florentine, etc...

Quebec City Stay

Sorel Marina

Trois-Rivieres Marina Garden

Trois-Rivieres Marina

Coast Guard Working on St Lawrence

Ste Anne de la Perade church

Lise and Agathe

Riding in a Miata

Francine and J.C.

Lise and Claude toasting their anniversary

dinner at Poisson d'Avril

Mom the 90 year old hotrodder

Claude Laberge visits
with Dave and Andree

Claude's wife, Lorraine

Louis-David and Jessica
Left Montreal for Sorel and Trois-Rivieres then on to Quebec City to arrive at low tide. In Sorel, they gave us the wrong dock and Mike went stern in with fenders touching the next boat. Mike finds it easier going stern in. He'd never tried it before not knowing how it would be. Big storm at dusk. One boat was just arriving as the storm broke so they had to wait it out near the marina. The next day we stayed in Trois-Rivieres marina which is near a big pulp and paper mill. Ah! the smell of sulphur. Brings back memories of my youth in Shawinigan. The next morning we left in time to arrive in Quebec city at low tide. As we neared the Quebec bridges, I called Lise J. to tell her to go to her balcony as we neared their home. There she was waving a big white cloth which I saw with our binoculars. We were lucky to visit with them on that evening as they were leaving on a camping trip the next day.

Notes on our stay in Quebec city from July 14 to 22, 2011

July 14: Arrived at Bassin Louise around 3 pm. We had reserved from July 15 to 22 but, in Three Rivers, decided to go with the tides and would arrive in Quebec 6 hours later. Approaching Quebec, I called to ask if we could change our arrival date to Thursday instead of Friday. The girl answering my call said “bonyeux”4 times before saying she'd call me back. 'Do you have my phone #? ' I ask. She says yes as it's in my file. So Mike shut off the engines and we coasted on the St Lawrence while having lunch. Fourty minutes went by so I called them back. They didn't have my phone # after all so they had emailed me 10 minutes after the original call to say they had room. Of course I hadn't checked my mail so lost half an hour. No sweat. As we neared the Quebec bridges, I called Lise Julien to tell her to go to her balcony and see us come by her house. With binoculars, I could see her waving a big white cloth to signal she could see us. We didn't think we'd get to see them as they were leaving on their camping trip on the 15th and returning on the 22nd the very same dates we would be there. So we got lucky and got to visit with Lise & Agathe on Thursday night.

July 15: orientation day in Quebec. Went to the Vieux Port market. Wonderful place. Got strawberries from Neuville. Delicious!!!

July 16: Found the Metro store so did a food shopping. Decided to go and see Mom. Missed the Ecolobus and then found out that, if we took regular bus, we would need to tranfer 3 times before getting to Place d'Youville. Got on the 1st bus but was too tired and cranky to go on. Walked back to the boat. Took 30 minutes. Not happy campers. We don't handle heat and humidity very well.

July 17: very interesting day today! Mike went to get ice and had the ipad with him hoping to get a signal. He dropped the case and broke the glass on the ipad. It's repairable so we went by bus to Place Ste Foy to the Apple store and they gave us a new one for free!!! Then we went over to Lise & Claude's for drinks and dinner at the Bamboo restaurant. Very good food. Went back to the boat by Navette Desjardins. For 3$/day you can use the navette all day. Very good deal.

July 18: As we needed to have internet to reload Navionics on the new Ipad, we went over to Cafe du Monde for a cappucino (me) and a beer (Mike) and downloaded the software. Lunch menu looked good so we had a delightful lunch. Got back to the boat at around 1:30pm. Went to Francine's today. JC came to pick us up at about 2pm. Had a wonderful day with them. Swam in their pool and they even lent us their Miata for a drive around the lake. Saw the Laberge estate. It's for sale and Dave is selling it. JC drove us back around 9pm after a lovely meal of General Tao food.

July 19: took the bus to Can Tire and bought propane. Lise & Claude picked us up & drove us around to run errands, go to get $$s and dropped me off at Mom's. They then drove Mike to the boat while I had a visit with Mom. Unfortunately Mom sleeps from 1pm to 2:30pm so didn't get to talk to her. So we went to the boat, had bubbly for L&C's anniversary, wine and nibbles then for dinner at Poisson d'Avril. Then L&C went home on the Navette and picked up their car at the Aquarium parking lot.

July 20: Another hot day in the city. In the morning Mike and I took the Ecolobus ($1) and #25 bus to St Brigids. I went to visit Mom and Mike went to Maguire and the park. Had a nice visit with Mom. She's very confused but did recognize me. We went for a tour of the garden. She insists on wheeling herself around. Strong arms! I left her just before her lunch. Mike and I met a noon and had a nice lunch at the St Germain. Then we shopped at IGA and took the bus back to the boat.

Dave & Andree came over to the boat and brought along a nice surprise. Claude and Lorraine Laberge! Hadn't seen them in 10 years. As a bad thunderstorm was coming, we all went over to Dave's for dinner. Bad storm. Lots of wind but it passed. Had a great time. Claude drove us home. Upon arrival at the boat, Mike noticed the kayak was missing. Found near the next boat over. The winds were so strong, it had blown the kayak right off the boat.

July 21: rainy morning, lots and lots of it until around 2 pm. Wanted to play tourist today but that didn't work out. Both had showers. Went shopping this afternoon around 4:30pm. Came back to a major gas spill. Marina people very lackadaisical about it. Not impressed with this marina at all. No desire to ever come back. Bought strawberries from ile d'orleans. Delicious! Tried to have something to eat at the Riviera. Got a table but nobody came with a menu nor ask for a drink order. After a while we just left. Now we're having beans and eggs for dinner at 9pm. What a way to end our visit to Quebec!

July 22: Left Quebec under hazy skies with special guests (Louis-David & Jessica). I think they really enjoyed the trip to Portneuf. Had a great lunch with Dave, Andree and the crew. Still extremely hot. Still no internet here. Really disappointed. Will send an email to notify everyone. Not sure where we're going from here. Construction holidays are starting today so it's going to be crazy wherever we try to go on Richelieu, Lake Champlain. Mike and I have discussed anything yet.

July 23 & 24: Marina Portneuf. Stayed an extra day due to high winds. Had a lovely brunch at Littoral restaurant.

Montreal at the Vieux Port

Arrival in Montreal

Chez Michelle et Pierre a Lachine

Nadine et Steven nous rendent visite

Steven, Mike et Lise

Jerry and Jenny from Charleston SC

Basillique Notre Dame
View of Mtl Old Port from boat
Finally back on line! Spent 8 days in Quebec City marina without internet!! Very disappointing as I haven't updated since Montreal. So much to add. Had a great time in Quebec City visiting friends and family. Despite the extremely hot and humid weather we still had a great time. Had a tragic moment when the Ipad was injured. But Apple staff made it all so much better. Way to go Apple!! Heading for Richelieu river tomorrow if weather is good. Then on to Lake Champlain and then back to Lake Ontario. In another week, we'll be half way through our trip. Time flies when you're having fun!

Now to backtrack a bit. We had a great time in Montreal. The marina was terrific. Pierre & Michelle spoiled us for 2 days. Drove us around for a great city tour, had dinner the first night at a lovely restaurant they frequent. The next day they picked us up and drove us to their condo in Lachine giving a great tour on the way there. On Sunday, Steve & Nadine came for a nice visit. It was great to have time to chat with them as we usually only see them at family gatherings when we don't have enough time to talk. Met a great couple from Charleston South Carolina, Jerry & Jenny, who had us over for wine & cheese and we filled them in on beautiful places to see on Georgian Bay.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Ottawa to Montreal. Photos from our departure from Ottawa to our arrival in Montreal. Enjoy!

Boat docked on Rideau wall next to Convention Centre

Across from Le Cafe at NAC

on blue line waiting to go through locks to Ottawa river
on blue line with 5 boats

Parliament Hill from the Ottawa river

view of flight locks to Ottawa
Colline parlementaire

on the Ottawa river

Musee de la civilisation
British embassy

Rideau Falls

Hilton du Lac Leamy

marina du casino Lac Leamy
Nicole et Agathe
Nicole et Mike

sunset on Lac Viceroy
Bridge at Hawksbury


Carillon lock

Guillotine gate opens

village quebecois

Belle eglise et presbytere

Surf's up!
Highway 40 view from boat

Ste Anne de Bellevue

Carpe Diem at Ste Anne de Bellevue
Coast Guard Hovercraft

leaving Ste Anne de Bellevue

along the seaway canal to Montreal
looks like condos in old building

waiting for St Lambert lock to open

mega yacht coming out of St Lambert lock
encountering our 1st big ship


St Lambert Lock
Lady James

Passed last lock before Mtl

Ile Ste Helene

Clock Tower Montreal

condos du Vieux Port de Mtl