Monday, June 20, 2011

Week One of Lise & Mike's Excellent Boat Adventure

leaving Harbour West in a few minutes

waiting our turn at Big Chute

Big Chute Marine Railway

Along the Trent Talbot Canal

Cows enjoying the day along the canal

Fenelon Falls

Relaxing at the end of the day

Peterborough Marina

Lock 6 Frankford

Lock 6
We left Penetang on a cold, overcast day, Monday June 13, 2011. Made it to Lock 43 the first day. We had some rain late afternoon but then we had a beautiful sunset. On June 14, we left Swift Rapids at 8:20am under clear skies but cool at 10C. Went 50 miles to the upside of the Balsover lock. Wonderful warm day. June 15, we saw a bald eagle and osprey in the morning. Another gorgeous day. Had lunch in Fenelon Falls and went shopping in Bobcaygeon. Stayed in Bobcaygeon for the night. The rest of the week has been absolutely wonderful weather-wise. Hot and sunny every day. Had a problem with the generator on Friday morning. No coffee!! Arrived at Peterborough Marina for an overnight. Had a mechanic look at it and it seemed fixed. Had a wonderful visit with Cousin Claire and saw cousin Danny for a few minutes. Now we're in Trenton for a few days. Will visit with our friends Randy & Sherron tomorrow night. That's it for my first entry of this trip. I'm not experienced at writing a blog so please be patient with me.